Dr. Ferrucci will finish this later! For the moment, please follow my Curriculum Vitae to learn more about my background, education, freelance work experience, research experience, and teaching experience
Curriculum Vitae
Ron’s Background
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PhD in Evolutionary & Environmental Biology
Curriculum in Genetics; PhD title: On the Study of Genetic Structure in Human Populations and the Effects of Demographic History, Consanguinity, and Study Design on Detection, with Investigations of Human Evolutionary Models, Archaic Introgression, and Natural Selection

Master of Science in Human Genetics
Graduate Program in Molecular Biology

Master of Science in Biology
Coursework in advanced statistics

Bachelor of Science in Bioloy
Magna cum laude
Freelance Work Experience
Freelance/Fine Art Photographer
September 2016 to present:
Freelance Web Developer
September 2011 to present
Research Experience
Seasonal Research Assistant
May to July 2022; May to October 2021; August to October 2019; 1997 to 2004 (May to October)
Research Scientist/Visiting Scholar
February to August 2011 (Research Scientist, ), April 2010 to April 2012 (Visiting Scholar)
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Instructor of Biology
January 2023 to May 2024: Teach online Human Genetics & Genomics course
Adjunct Instructor of Biology
August to December 2018: Teach Introductory Biology and Physiology courses in SLCC’s Prison Education Program
Adjunct Instructor of Biology
August 2013 to May 2015: Teach introductory biology and microbiology courses
Graduate Teaching Assistant
January to May 2007: Teach Biological Chemistry Lab
LCI (League Cycling Instructor)
Teach League of American Bicyclists road safety and skills classes, assist in training new LCIs, run Bike Rodeos, teach bicycle mechanic skills
Bicycle Experience
LCI (League Cycling Instructor)
Teach League of American Bicyclists road safety and skills classes, assist in training new LCIs, run Bike Rodeos, teach bicycle mechanic skills
Bicycle Shop Mechanic
Open & close shop, working behind counter to help clients, work in bicycles, assist clients in working on bicycles, teach bicycle mechanic classes
Bicycle Tour Guide
Lead tours of French Quarter (Bullfrog Bike Tours and Buzz NOLA Bike Tours & Rentals) and Minneapolis (Minneapolis by Bike), maintain shop bikes, rent bicycles
Wildlife/Field Biology
Wildlife Intern
January to March 2003, MN Department of Natural Resources, Grand Rapids, MN
Research Assistant
Wolf Research Team, Northland College, Ashland, WI